Educational Articles

  • Lisa Herbold

Anxiety at the Groomer is from Trigger Stacking

Have you ever heard of trigger stacking in dog behavior? Trigger stacking is an important subject that all groomers should...

Should He Stay or Should He Go

Groomers are an important aspect in the health of pets in America. We see and touch every square inch of...

Why You Should Condition After Every Bath

Our pets’ skin is more delicate than ours, mostly because it is covered in fur or hair. Like us, they...

Why does my dog have rust colored staining?

Dogs can develop staining under their eyes and on their body where they have been licking. This is due to...

Different Coat Types Have Different Needs

With pets becoming more than just property, their care has become more important. Gone are the days that we see...
  • Hollus Gessler

The Development of Dogs and AKC Dog Breeds

Evolution of Dogs Pin pointing when dogs Canis Familiaris became “man’s best friend” is half science and half guesswork with...
  • Hollus Gessler

Pathways to Become a Professional Dog and Cat Groomer

Professional Pet Grooming is an artisan trade skill that takes more than just hands-on skills. Many non-professionals don’t realize it’s...