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An Educator with Multifaceted Industry Experience
Scott Wasserman, ISCC PDS, MPS, Meritus, Certifier is known fondly as Mr. Terrier. Scott has become one of the leading experts in hand stripping Terriers. Scott’s passion for pets combines his professional pet grooming with his dog show circuit experience. Scott teaches nationally at many conventions as well as in group and private settings.

Professional, Competitor and Judge
Scott began his love of pets at the early age of 10 when he went with his father, who was a carpenter, to an Airedale Terrier breeder’s kennel to do some work. He spent more time playing with the Airedales than helping his father leading to a lifelong attraction and love of dogs, in which he would dedicate his life to. Since 1992, Scott launched into the pet styling contest ring with his most prestigious wins including Best Pet Stylist in Show at the U.S. Pet Pro Classic twice, the coveted Intergroom International Groomer of the Year award. He has also been a GroomTeam USA member. As a Professional Pet Stylist, Scott owned his own salon, Smoochie Pooch.

Educator, Speaker and Author
Scott is a successful international judge and industry speaker traveling to major show destinations in England, Italy, Brazil, Scotland, France, Argentina, Japan, China, Thailand, Singapore, Greece, Australia, and Canada. He has received several nominations for the Cardinal Crystal Achievement Awards, winning the award of Congeniality in 2001 and Judge of the Year in 2014. He was also the recipient of the Barkleigh Honors Speaker of the Year award in 2017 and Book of the Year in 2021. Scott remains active in the show ring as a breeder of Kerry Blue Terriers under the Kiluntin prefix.